Nestea Diet Iced Tea, Diet Lemon

Natural lemon flavor. Real brewed. No calories. Sweetened with Splenda brand. Natural source of antioxidants. 75 mg Per serving. No preservatives. Brewed goodness. Right from the fridge. Providing something wholesome for your family just got a little easier. Nestea Diet Lemon Iced Tea is made with the choicest black tea leaves, then sweetened with Splenda Brand Sweetener. It's a refreshing pleasure that's made with natural black tea, provides healthy antioxidants, is a good source of vitamin C and has not preservatives. Your family can enjoy Nestea Diet Lemon Iced Tea right from the fridge, everyday. Good to Know: Nestea Diet Lemon Iced Tea is a natural source of antioxidants, with one serving providing 75 mg. Antioxidants acts as cell protectors by neutralizing free radicals that can damage healthy cells.